Our eTwinning Action Plan
Improvement of coordination between partner schools
1. More motivating and enhancing projects
2. Effective management
3. Time management
1. Reducing the number of activities
2. Coordination meetings in the Twinspace.
3. Integration classroom content
4. Creation of multidisciplinary activities 5. Creation of rubrics for students’ work monitoring.
Key assumptions:
Collaboration and comparison between teachers are indispensable elements for the improvement of projects
No fear to projects
1. Creation of new projects
2. Involvement of new teachers in projects
3. Learning from other teachers
1. Adaptation methodology
2. Training sessions for teachers
3. Creation more flexible projects
4. Collaboration with other eTwinning schools
Key assumptions:
Training of specific topics leads to the improvement of project management What has been learnt during the training is tested/implemented in real practice
Increase of students' responsibilities
1. Responsible and active participation of students in the projects.
2. Student administration
3. Awareness of the 2030 Agenda Goals
1. Monitoring students during activities.
2. Integration of projects in the term evaluation of students’ work.
3. eSafety work
3. Integration of the 2030 goals in projects through meaningful activities
Key assumptions
Empowerment of students leads to motivation and significant learning
Pedagogical Objectives
By the end of the project students will have:

Develop writing and reading skills in a second language.

Work collaboratively with peers.

Learn basic strategies which favour language learning so that they apply the syntactic-discursive structures and vocabulary.

Provide students with tools to express themselves in writing, with regard to topics which they find interesting and motivating

Get to know other cultures

Feel interest and curiosity regarding learning the target language.

Foster creativity.

Reach positive conclusions about the students’ learning process.