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Activities: Servicios
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Pupils will do research work about where bread is eaten in the world, which the most typical types are, a well as their origin and composition, making a short description in an interactive image with a tool chosen by themselves so that the option of making their own choices and autonomy as far as technology is concerned. 
The description might be both written or spoken, allowing for sound files and providing pictures and a map locating the different types of bread. They may also talk about the geographical distribution, ingredients and production, allowing for multiple tools for construction and composition.

Bread around the World

All you need is bread

Activities: Integrado con HTML
Why do we like bread__edited.jpg

Get to know more about Al pan, pan

Why do we like bread? Click on the image to know.

Activities: Acerca de
Here you can see the crispy, wonderful smelling Franziskaner-loaf and rye whole-grain tin
Activities: Servicios
Activities: Servicios
Activities: Servicios
Activities: Servicios

If we were a type of bread...

Activities: Testimonios

If I were a kind of bread, I assume that I would be a tortillas, because its color is almost similar to my skin color. Also, I really like tortillas because you can do so many delicious meals!

Survey results

We have asked common people about bread as well as experts such as bakers or chefs

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What type of bread do you like the most?

Baguette is the star in our countries!

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Which types of food can be combined with bread so as to get a healthy meal?

Bread makes a healthy meal with almost everything

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What do you eat bread with?

It seems a great percentage of the interviewed people have already baked (or tried to) bread.

Activities: Servicios

Plants and crops

Activities: Video

These are the main crops around the world

Activities: Bienvenido

Our bread leftovers recipes

Activities: Integrado con HTML
Captura de pantalla 2022-05-19 a las 23.31.59.png

Horario de servicio


Lunes - Viernes: 9 a. m. - 6 p. m.
Sábado: 10 a. m. - 2 p. m.
Domingo: cerrado

Activities: Horario de servicio

This is our "pan"cast

Activities: Integrado con HTML

Master Bakers

Activities: Integrado con HTML

©2021 by Al Pan, Pan with

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